All of us here at Haus of Swag owe it to you and ourselves to create a happy and creative environment where ideas flourish developing products aimed at keeping our planet green and clean (wherever possible). Perfection is not who we are, but conscious & socially aware best describes what we strive to be. Consider this our 'work in progress' and we hope that you'll join us on this journey. Together we can bring purpose, passion & presence beyond the scope of design and buzz words committing to small acts with domino impacts daily.
1. Mental Health
2. Social Justice
3. Sustainability X Environment
4. Humanitarianism
They say mental health is wealth and we can sho' nuff dig it.
Let's normalize conversations surrounding mental health.
Mental Health Support: Tap In!
Web Resources For Wellness
Minding My Black Business
Between Sessions
Ataque de nerves
Latinx Therapy
The Mental Illness Happy Hour
Checking In With Michelle Williams
Imani State of Mind
Black Fitness Today
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - MLK
Here are initiatives and organizations you can get behind that go further than blanket corporate statements:
Social & Political Justice Initiatives
Fashion Initiatives
Ahhhhh yes, the 'S' in sustainability, as in supply, as in the 's' in tran(s)parency. As we continue to grow and assess your needs and improve on our products, we do so with a sense of urgency that our planet can't wait. Sustainable fashion takes into account the entire supply chain and life cycle of a garment, from where and how it is made to when it ends up in a landfill. Did you know that it can take a garment up to 200 years to decompose - yikes! Something as simple as making a conscious choice to recycle or make purchases on items that are environmentally-friendly can have a positive impact in our lives and on planet earth.
Here's some of our on-going sustainability efforts:
- We use garments that are lo-impact and highly-recyclable
- All of our t-shirts are made in America
- We use 3D tech to reduce sampling
- Prioritize shipping for land or sea to reduce air impact
- We choose raw materials and fabric (where possible)
We ask for full transparency with the factories we partner with throughout our supply chain to ensure minimum-wage laws and fair practices are in place for legal-age garment workers
- Upcycling samples and clearance items by resell
- For packaging materials we partner with brands/companies who make sustainable, bio-degradable products and compostable alternatives to conventional plastic
Resources X Education

Do Something...
We strongly believe that we can alleviate poverty, racism, sexism and discrimination through education, adequate resources and business ownership. Check out our friends in global humanitarianism, entrepreneurship and women's causes who give with their time, efforts and monetarily. We implore you to get up, get out and do something, anything that is greater than yourself that could benefit one single human being in need. Thanks for caring.
Staggering STATS (source
192 million people are unemployed or underemployed (International Labour Organization)
An estimated 1.6 billion people are homeless worldwide (Habitat for Humanity)
One in nine people lack access to clean water and one in three people lack access to a toilet (
42 people hold the same wealth as 3.7 billion of the world’s poorest (Oxfam International)
- In 2020, 16 million U.S. K-12 students lacked access to a working device, reliable high-speed internet or both.